ComfoTube 75mm is a high performance semi-rigid ductwork ideal for residential applications. The low profile manifolds and ductwork mean it’s perfect for use in small ceiling voids and is strong enough to even be set into the building concrete structure. The clinside smooth internal lining help to reduce build up of dust and enable the ductwork to be cleaned; this has helped the ductwork achieve a hygiene certificate from the Hygiene Institute. The ductwork’s quality has also earned it the highly acclaimed SKZ certification, in addition to being fully accredited and listed on the PCDB.

The ductwork can be installed much faster than conventional ductwork with a reduced number of connections helping to reduce any potential air leakage within the system. The O-rings and locking slides also help to prevent the ductwork being disconnected during first fix and maintain an airtight seal. End caps are also provided to prevent dust ingress during first fix to maintain a hygienic system.

A variety of manifolds, ancillaries and terminations can be used with the ductwork in addition to a wide range of designer grilles. The ductwork can also be used with the unique modular ComfoWell manifolds with integrated attenuators and filters.

  • Easy and quick to install
  • Airtight
  • High-quality food-grade plastic (HDPE)
  • Fully accredited and listed on the PCDB
  • Certified by the Hygiene Institute and SKZ certified
  • Low pressure losses
  • Easy to clean
  • Suitable for installation in the building concrete structure
  • Crush resistant ring stiffness of ~12.0 kN/m2
  • Corrosion resistant
  • Lightweight and easy to handle
  • No sealant or tape required
  • Wide range of manifolds and grille terminations
  • Suitable for use with the unique modular ComfoWell manifolds

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Did You Know?

Versatile ComfoTube is one of the only ducting systems that can be cleaned. With this level of maintenance you can ensure a continued high performance in a highly insulated and efficient home, and the provision of good indoor air quality for occupants or tenants and protection of the building.

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